Dinosaur Egg Coloring Pages – Eggs-traa Fun Printables For Kids 🥚

Dinosaur Egg Coloring Pages – Eggs-traa Fun Printables For Kids 🥚

Dinosaurs roamed the Earth millions of years ago, and they came in many shapes and sizes! Some were as big as houses, while others were small like chickens. But, did you know that dinosaurs laid eggs? Just like birds do today, many dinosaurs hatched from eggs. These eggs were different depending on the dinosaur—some were round, while others were long. Some were big, and some were small, just like the dinosaurs themselves 🥚

Coloring dinosaur eggs is super fun because you can imagine what kind of baby dinosaur might be inside.  You can make your eggs bright and colorful, or you can stick to the real colors we think dinosaur eggs might have been, like brown or green. Whether you’re interested in science or just love drawing, these coloring pages are a great way to get creative🖍️

Coloring Pages For Kids🥚🎨

Learn About Dinosaurs🦖

1. Where They Are Found

Dinosaur eggs have been found all over the world. Some of the most famous places include China and Mongolia. In these places, whole nests of dinosaur eggs have been discovered, giving us a peek into the past. 🌍

2. Baby Dinosaurs

Not all baby dinosaurs looked like their parents right away. Some grew fast after hatching, while others took their time. Imagine seeing a tiny baby T-Rex🦖

3. How Old Are They?

The oldest dinosaur eggs are about 190 million years old. That’s a long, long time ago. When scientists find these eggs, they study them to learn about what the dinosaurs were like back then.

4. Fossil Eggs🥚

When dinosaur eggs become fossils, they turn into stone. This helps them last for millions of years. Sometimes, scientists even find tiny bones inside the fossilized eggs, showing baby dinosaurs that never hatched. 🦴

Dinosaur Babies and How They Grew 🦖👶

Just like animals today, baby dinosaurs had to grow and learn to survive in their environment. When a baby dinosaur hatched from its egg, it was called a “hatchling.” Some dinosaur hatchlings were born ready to explore the world on their own, while others needed care from their parents for a while.

For example, dinosaurs like the Maiasaura were known as caring parents. Scientists believe they fed and protected their babies after they hatched. 🦕 In fact, the name Maiasaura means “good mother lizard.” On the other hand, some dinosaurs were more independent and could start fending for themselves soon after hatching.

Amazing Facts About Dinosaur Eggs 🦖

  • Size of Dinosaur Eggs: Dinosaur eggs came in all sizes. The largest dinosaur eggs ever found are about the size of a basketball. But don’t be surprised—some eggs were as small as a chicken egg. Imagine how cute the baby dinosaurs inside must have been🦕
  • Egg Shapes: Dinosaur eggs were not all the same shape. Some were round, while others were oval. This difference in shape tells scientists a lot about the kind of dinosaur that laid them. Isn’t that cool?
  • Hard or Soft: Some dinosaur eggs had hard shells like the eggs of birds today. But others had softer shells, more like the eggs of reptiles, such as lizards and snakes. These softer eggs are harder to find as fossils because they didn’t last as long as the hard ones.
  • Nests and Hatchlings: Dinosaurs laid their eggs in nests, just like birds do today.  Some dinosaurs, like the Oviraptor, would stay close to their eggs to protect them until they hatched. When the baby dinosaurs were ready to come out, they would break through the shell, just like chicks do today🦜

Coloring and Craft Time ✂️🖌️

Would you like to make your own dinosaur egg craft after coloring? Here’s a simple idea you can try:

DIY Dino Egg Craft:

  • Take some balloons and blow them up until they are round, like an egg.
  • Mix glue and water, then dip strips of newspaper in it.
  • Cover the balloon with the gluey paper and let it dry overnight.
  • Once it’s dry, pop the balloon, and you’ll have a hard egg shape.
  • Paint your egg with fun colors, or make it look like a real dinosaur egg🦕

This project will give you your very own dinosaur egg that you can keep in your room. You can even hide toy dinosaurs inside your egg to surprise your friends.

Let’s Get Coloring

Coloring dinosaur eggs is a great way to have fun and learn about the incredible creatures that lived long ago. 🦕 Whether you color your eggs in rainbow colors or stick to more natural tones, the pages are waiting for your creativity. And if you want to take it a step further, why not try making your own paper-mâché dinosaur egg? You’ll have fun creating, and maybe even pretend to be a real dinosaur expert. 🌟

Lala Rukh
Author: Lala Rukh