Watermelon Coloring Pages – Free PDF Printables πŸ‰ 🌱

Watermelon Coloring Pages – Free PDF Printables πŸ‰ 🌱

Watermelon coloring pages give kids fun designs to color, featuring the bright green rind and juicy red center full of tiny black seeds. Coloring these pages is a great way to enjoy this delicious fruit while learning fun facts about it. Just click the coloring page, download, and print the PDF to start coloring. 🎨

Watermelon is a large, round fruit with a thick green skin and sweet red flesh inside. It grows on vines that spread across the ground. The fruit is mostly made of water, making it a refreshing treat on hot days. Some watermelons have black seeds, while others are seedless.

Watermelons have been around for thousands of years. They first grew in Africa before spreading to other parts of the world. People in ancient Egypt enjoyed eating them and even painted pictures of watermelons in their tombs. Today, they are grown in many warm countries, with China being the largest producer.

Watermelon Coloring Pages πŸ‰πŸŽ¨ 🌱

Fun Ways to Color a Watermelon πŸ‰

These coloring pages let you bring watermelons to life with different shades of green, red, and pink. The outside of the watermelon can be light or dark green with stripes. The inside is usually red, but some watermelons have yellow or orange flesh. You can also color the seeds black or brown, or leave them out if you want to create a seedless watermelon.

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Interesting Facts About Watermelons πŸ‰

  • Watermelons are made up of about 90% water, making them one of the most refreshing fruits.
  • There are over 1,200 types of watermelons in the world, including yellow, orange, and even white ones.
  • The heaviest watermelon ever recorded weighed more than 350 pounds.
  • In Japan, some farmers grow square-shaped watermelons by placing them in boxes while they grow.
  • Watermelons are not just fruits; they are also considered vegetables because they belong to the same family as cucumbers and pumpkins.

How Watermelons Grow 🌱

Watermelons grow best in warm, sunny places. Farmers plant seeds in the spring, and small vines start to spread across the ground. Tiny yellow flowers bloom on the vines, and after pollination, a small watermelon begins to grow. It takes about three months for a watermelon to become big and ripe.

When a watermelon is ready to eat, its skin turns a darker shade of green, and the spot where it rests on the ground changes to yellow. Farmers tap on the fruit to check if it sounds hollow, which means it is juicy and ripe.

Go bananas with these Bananas Coloring Pagesβ€”simple, fun, and great for little artists.

Watermelons Around the World 🌍

Watermelons are popular in many countries. In the United States, they grow in states like Texas, Florida, and Georgia. People in Mexico enjoy watermelon with lime and chili powder. In the Middle East, watermelon is often eaten with cheese. In China, it is a favorite summer snack, and people even dry and eat the seeds.

Many places celebrate watermelons with special events. In Arkansas, there is a yearly watermelon festival with contests, games, and big slices of fresh watermelon. In Turkey, people carve watermelons into beautiful shapes, creating artwork out of the fruit.

Watermelon in Food 🍽️

Watermelon is delicious on its own, but it can also be used in many recipes. People blend it into juice, freeze it to make popsicles, or mix it with other fruits for a tasty salad. Some chefs grill watermelon to bring out its sweetness, while others make cold soups using its juice.

In some countries, watermelon rinds are not wasted. They are pickled and eaten as a crunchy snack. The seeds can also be roasted and enjoyed like sunflower seeds.

Color these juicy and sweetΒ strawberry coloring pages, which are full of cute and detailed berry designs.

How to Pick the Best Watermelon πŸ‰

If you want to pick a sweet and juicy watermelon, look for one that is heavy for its size. A ripe watermelon will have a yellow spot on the bottom where it rested on the ground. If you tap it and hear a deep, hollow sound, that means it is full of water and ready to eat.

Add a splash of citrus fun with these Lemon Coloring Pages, perfect for bright and cheerful coloring.

Fun Watermelon DIY Craft πŸ‰

Besides coloring, you can try making a watermelon craft. Cut a paper plate in half and paint one side green for the rind. Paint the inside red or pink, and then use a black marker to add seeds. This simple craft can be a fun decoration for summer.

Would you like to color a watermelon? Click on the watermelon coloring pages, download free PDF printable, and print them for free. 🎨

Lala Rukh
Author: Lala Rukh